Question Deadline

January 3, 2025; 5:00 p.m. CST

RFP Submission Deadline

January 10, 2025; 11:59 p.m. CST

Intent to Award On

January 13, 2025 (via email)


The North Mississippi Education Consortium (NMEC), in partnership with the Mississippi Department of Education’s Office of Compulsory School Attendance and Dropout Prevention, is seeking proposals for vendors to support continued efforts to decrease Chronic Absenteeism in Mississippi.  The goal is to provide twelve regional trainings that include a team of five from each school district (Elementary Principal, High School Principal, Middle School Principal, Superintendent or designee, and Attendance Clerk), about 60-80 per session.

In addition, the vendor should provide curriculum modules that include strategies and best practices to address Chronic Absenteeism for LEAs to utilize district wide.  For example:  Module I:  Strengthening Collaborative Partners

The chosen vendor will work with NMEC and MDE to establish a timeline for deliverables to occur prior to June 30, 2025.

The chosen vendor will work with NMEC and MDE to establish a timeline for deliverables to occur prior to June 30, 2025.

Types of Services

Face-to-Face Training

The training should be face-to-face sessions to include at least 12 two-day trainings, for a total of 24 days across Mississippi (ex:  Oxford, Cleveland, Jackson, Meridian, Hattiesburg, Biloxi).  The Offeror must include a detailed description of the training, the minimum and maximum number of participants per training session, the number of days per training and include set up (will be a Part 1 and a Part 2, or 2 days back-to-back), a proposed agenda, materials, and etc.

The training registration and facility will be provided through the RESAs in the state and should not be included in the proposal.

 Curriculum Modules- Train the Trainer

The vendor will provide training modules (curriculum) and provide a train-the-trainer session.  This will allow MDE personnel and other designees to train new administrators/educators in the future.

Developing a Comprehensive Plan to Improve Attendance

Conduct evaluations of existing truancy issues and practices, utilizing date reviews, interviews, and observations.  Collaborate with district leadership to create school-level task forces.  Analyze local data to pinpoint trends and identify truant sub-populations.  Oversee and assess the implementation of strategies aimed at improving attendance and regularly report on their effectiveness to district leadership.

Chronic Absenteeism and Dropout Prevention Conference

The vendor will organize a statewide conference to address chronic absenteeism and dropout prevention.  This should be no more than two full days, with a maximum of 300 participants.  Conference materials and any additional speakers should be included.

The conference location will be set by MDE and registration and facility will be provided through the RESAs in the state and should not be included in the proposal.


January 2025 – June 2025, with optional yearly renewal based on performance and availability of funds.

Please develop a timeline for the deliverables.


The chronic absenteeism modules and professional development must be grounded in research and is a proven model which is already developed and requires minimal modifications based on the needs of Mississippi.

Modifications of the professional development will be determined by the MDE after the vendor is selected.  Any modifications to the already developed professional development sessions does not give the MDE intellectual property rights to the materials.


The vendor must provide an End-of-Session Survey (Google form) for participants to evaluate the professional development and will be required to provide the information collected to MDE.


The entity should have a minimum of five (5) years of experience in school attendance including truancy and chronic absenteeism.  The entity must have provided training utilizing research-based strategies related to the subject.


The entity should provide a budget for the proposed services/scope of work, not to exceed $265,000.00.

Do you have questions?

Any questions pertaining to this RFP should be emailed to Mrs. Susan Scott at no later than January 3, 2025 by 5:00 p.m CST. Emails will not be responded to, rather, all questions and answers will be posted below for public viewing no later than January 7, 2025 by 10:00 a.m. CST.