We offer a variety of services for your school district!

The North MS Education Consortium (NMEC) has worked within school districts across the state since 1996. NMEC has and continues to serve school districts by offering quality professional development opportunities for teachers and administrators, led by our exceptional coaches who have proven strengths and experiences to grow each school in your district. CUSTOMIZABLE SERVICES OFFERED

Need any CEUs replaced for the upcoming license renewal?

Five years is a long time to keep up with those tiny CEU certificates! Instead of pulling your hair out trying to find them in any nook and cranny possible, you can complete a simple form to get them replaced.   Keep in mind, we can only reissue those CEUs issued by the North MS

4.5 CEUs in two weeks?! Tell me more!

Educators: We offer a broad selection of online courses that are CEU and SEMI credit approved by the MS Department of Education! Our online courses offer 0.6-4.5 CEUs or 20/35 SEMIs – what could beat that?! To see the kinds of courses we are offering, please click the following link: https://www.northmsec.com/online-courses/