About this Course
We know many of our students have experienced trauma in their lives. Those traumatic experiences, along with the fear associated with COVID-19 over the past few months, have created an urgent need for teachers to understand and utilize trauma-informed instructional strategies as a daily part of their professional practice. In this course, participants will learn how trauma impacts a person’s development and education as well as several trauma-informed instructional strategies to meet the needs of all learners.
This course is divided into six (6) modules and is designed to take participants approximately ten (10) hours to complete. Upon successful completion, participants can apply for 1 CEU or 5 SEMIs at no additional cost.
About the Instructors
Dr. Lisa White
Dr. White has 27 years of experience in public education in Mississippi, with 11 years in the classroom, 14 years in administrative roles, and 2 years beyond retirement working as an education consultant/coach. She has served as a special education teacher (9 years), high school math teacher (2 years), and FLE/ACT prep teacher; at the district level, she has served in the roles of Assistant Superintendent, SpEd Director, Federal Programs Director, District Test Coordinator, Curriculum Coordinator, EL Coordinator, MTSS/TST Coordinator, Personnel Director, Professional Development Coordinator, Teacher Mentoring Program Director, Intervention Specialist, Behavior Specialist, and Project Director for the 21st CCLC afterschool program. Dr. White worked 5 ½ years at the Mississippi Department of Education as an Educator in Residence, coordinating the Mississippi Principal Evaluation System (MPES), the State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP), and a variety of other projects. While at MDE, she provided professional development to schools and districts all over the state, supervised literacy coaches all over Mississippi, led the team of professionals who developed a teacher observation draft for SpEd teachers, developed and taught online courses in Canvas, and served on several state and national committees. She currently serves on the Board of Learning Forward MS and the Mississippi Association of School Administrators (MASA) and is a member of Mississippi’s Teaching and Leading Solutions Group (TLSG) as well as Mississippi’s Advancing Inclusive Principal Leadership (AIPL) team.
Bonnie Owen
Mrs. Owen has 30 years of experience in education. She earned her Master’s Degree from University of MS and has hours toward Specialist. She has taught in the general education classrooms as well as special education classrooms. She has served as an Assistant Principal and Principal, District Director of Special Education, Gifted, 504, and Federal Programs which include EL, Migrant, and Homeless. Area of expertise: School leadership, Special Education policy and procedures, IEPs, assisting in monitoring for both Special Education and Federal Programs, Classroom Management, Teacher Improvement, Data, Federal Programs policy and procedures.
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