The Growing Brain: Birth to 5 Years: Modules 1-2

Decades of research indicate that the early years of life are a period of exponential brain development, characterized by great opportunity and vulnerability dependent on the children’s relationships and environment. The Growing Brain: From Birth to 5 Years Old is an innovative professional development opportunity that provides a toolkit of how the brain develops, along with ways you can encourage health brain development in children from birth to 5 years old. Participants will develop skills and strategies to: understand the architecture and neurobiology of brain development. support language, cognition, prosocial behavior, and social-emotional development. reduce toxic stress that can negatively influence brain development of very young children. There will be three session, you can choose to come to one or all three sessions. Modules 1-2 (The Basics & The Factors Affecting Brain Growth and Development) – August 13th; Modules 3-4 (Communication and Language Development & Cognition and Executive Function)- September 17th; Modules 5-7 (Social-Emotional Development & Understanding Behavior & Everyday Play – October 15th -16th Trainings will be head at: MDHS Building 750 750 North State Street Jackson, MS 39202