There are three types of 30-day self-paced online professional development modules: Stand-Alone, Deepening Knowledge, and Prerequisite.

Stand-Alone Modules

The stand-alone model doesn’t have prerequisites or require other complementary courses. Each module may be taken in isolation.

Prerequisite Modules

In this structure, each module is reliant on the previous module’s content as a building block. The content in each subsequent module explores a deeper level, building on previous module content (and possibly assessments).

Deepening Knowledge Modules

Deepening knowledge modules are selected based on participant’s level of mastery: novice, intermediate, or advanced. This approach also takes into account a possible prerequisite approach, where a “novice” teacher progresses into the “intermediate” then “advanced” courses. (By extension, an “intermediate” teacher could progress into the “advanced” course.)

To view information about each course, you will need to click on the gray “+” to the left of the course or click on the course title.

Stand-Alone Modules

Classroom Communication

Participants will explore methods for engaging students in meaningful work, clarifying limits, facilitating student choice, and encouraging accurate communication.

5 hour course; yields 0.5 CEUs

Enhancing Content and Pedagogical Knowledge

This module explores how participants can improve their content backgrounds, pedagogy, resources, and professional responsibilities in their specific content areas. Participants will explore methods for sharing their content knowledge and professional development beyond the classroom to make a difference in the profession.

8 hour course; yields 0.8 CEUs

Classroom Management Procedures

This module explores seamless integration of transitions, routines for handling materials and supplies, and performance of noninstructional duties. Participants will explore how to encourage students to assume responsibility for ensuring efficient procedures in a well-managed classroom.

8 hours course; yields 0.8 CEUs

Sparking Student Engagement

In this module, participants will implement and evaluate various instructional strategies such as project-based learning and active learning to promote engagement and participation in the classroom.

5 hour course; yields 0.5 CEUs

Student Learning and Achievement

Participants will evaluate how teacher, student, family, and school community involvement create accountability for student achievement in which all members support the value of learning.

5 hour course; yields 0.5 CEUs

Demonstrating Student Pride

Participants will examine how students can support and encourage one another while also taking pride in their accomplishments. Participants will also explore student risk taking in a safe environment, reflection, encouragement, peer review, and goal setting.

5 hour course; yields 0.5 CEUs

Communicating Clear Directions and Procedures

Participants will define rules, directions, and procedures as they apply to the classroom and analyze strategies for effectively communicating them to students. This module shares strategies for practicing and reinforcing classroom procedures as well as how to evaluate methods for communicating directions clearly to all students.

5 hour course; yields 0.5 CEUs

Involving and Interacting with Families

This module examines how and when teachers should provide information about student progress and the instructional program to families. Participants will explore how to successfully engage families in the instructional program with professionalism and keen cultural sensitivity, as well as how students can participate and contribute ideas to the program.

5 hour course; yields 0.5 CEUs

Enhancing Knowledge of Students

In this module, participants will explore student cognitive, social, and emotional developmental stages. The module also explores how to address gaps and avoid misconceptions about student development and capability. With a solid foundation in developmental patterns, participants will apply and evaluate strategies designed to engage their students with content.

10 hour course; yields 1.0 CEUs

Effective Instructional Outcomes

In this module, participants will create and analyze instructional outcomes that represent high expectations and rigor, build on prior learning, and connect to other disciplines. They will offer careful consideration of assessment methods (how students will demonstrate College and Career Readiness Standards. This module also explores how participants can create a balance among types of learning and different disciplines, as well as how to differentiate the learning experiences for diverse learners.

8 hour course; yields 0.8 CEUs

Generating Purposeful Discussions

This module explores how effective discussion techniques promote student engagement with content, create opportunities for students to reflect upon what they have learned, and encourage student consideration of new possibilities. Participants will evaluate how to support a classroom where students assume high levels of participation in classroom discussions and take responsibility for their own learning.

7 hour course; yields 0.7 CEUs

Content Exploration and Student Engagement

When student engagement is minds-on (involving intellectual activity), students develop their understanding through what they do. This module examines how to engage students in intellectual, active exploration with important and challenging content.

5 hour course; yields 0.5 CEUs

Types of Learning Activities

This module focuses exclusively on types of learning activities that promote deep learning aligned with the goals of the lesson and allow students to exercise some choice.

5 hour course; yields 0.5 CEUs

Effective Uses of Language

This module examines the need for spoken and written language that is clear and correct, with vocabulary appropriate to students’ ages and interests. Participants will explore how language influences students’ understanding of what they are expected to do as well as the rationale behind it. Methods for bringing content to life through strategies such as metaphor, analogy, vocabulary, and expressive language will be examined.

5 hour course; yields 0.5 CEUs

Promoting Student Engagement

This module explores activities and assignments that promote deep learning, engage all students, and encourage students to initiate or adapt activities to enhance their understanding. Participants will also examine instructional materials and resources that engage students, as well as how to provide student choice among materials. This module also examines lesson structure and pacing that allows opportunity for reflection and closure.

8 hour course; yields 0.8 CEUs

Explaining Content: Student to Student

Participants will explore strategies for facilitating student-centered and peer-to-peer learning. Utilizing approaches that integrate 21st Century skills, this module explores tools that effectively engage students in the collaborative learning process.

5 hour course; yields 0.5 CEUs

Explaining Content: Teacher to Student

Participants will explore how to effectively present, explain, and design activities related to content. This module also examines strategies and activities that teachers can apply to make connections to student interests, experiences, backgrounds, and prior knowledge.

5 hour course; yields 0.5 CEUs

Facilitating Classroom Discussions

Participants will learn how to implement effective verbal and nonverbal communication techniques to help them encourage, redirect, engage, and challenge students in successful classroom discussions that enhance student learning.

5 hour course; yields 0.5 CEUs

Preparing to Participate in Student-Led Discussions

Participants will explore how to teach their students to ask high-quality questions and ways to invite all students’ views to be heard. A solid foundation of student responsibility and accountability create the conditions that must be in place for meaningful discussions where all voices are heard and listened to.

5 hour course; yields 0.5 CEUs

Participating in Student-Led Discussions

Participants will explore techniques designed to ensure that all students contribute to classroom discussions in an environment where students help to ensure that all voices are heard. This module explores how to ask high-quality questions that deepen student understanding, methods for promoting student learning through discussion, and ways to ensure meaningful student contributions to the discussions.

5 hour course; yields 0.5 CEUs

Effective Recordkeeping

In this module, participants will explore how to keep accurate records of instructional and noninstructional events, including completion of assignments, student progress in learning, school records outside of the classroom, and student responsibility for contributing to and maintaining these records.

5 hour course; yields 0.5 CEUs

Evaluating Professional Performance

This module synthesizes the teacher’s need to reflect upon planning, implementation, assessment, and follow-up in order to decide what was effective about the lesson and where revisions are necessary. Participants will evaluate a lesson’s effectiveness, success in achieving outcomes, alternative actions, and student/teacher reflection.

5 hour course; yields 0.5 CEUs

Learning Expectations

Participants will explore when and how to make the purposes of their lessons or units clear, position those lessons around key concepts for broader learning, and link them to student interests. This module examines ways teachers can communicate to students the importance of what they are undertaking and clarify what they are learning.

5 hour course; yields 0.5 CEUs

Organizing the Physical Classroom

Participants will analyze needs and make adjustments to ensure a safe physical classroom environment. They will examine appropriate resources for classroom and student use, furniture arrangement conducive to activities, designing the physical layout of the classroom, and selecting resources for classroom and student use to ensure that all students can see and hear classroom events.

5 hour course; yields 0.5 CEUs

Student Participation in Purposeful Discussions

This module examines how to facilitate animated classroom discussions where all students are engaged, all perspectives are sought, and all voices are heard. Participants will construct a student-centered classroom where students assume responsibility for maintaining momentum and equality in discussions.

5 hour course; yields 0.5 CEUs

Working with Volunteers and Paraprofessionals

Volunteers and paraprofessionals can make substantive contribution to the classroom environment. Participants will acquire the skills to support volunteers and paraprofessionals, including developing guidelines, explaining duties, providing training, and discussing standards.

5 hour course; yields 0.5 CEUs

Student Grouping and Supportive Resources

Participants will examine appropriate uses of technology, groups designed to enhance student learning, and materials and resources that are suitable to all students. This module emphasizes the need for student choice and input in the design process.

5 hour course; yields 0.5 CEUs

Enhancing Knowledge of Resources

Participants will evaluate the resources available to them and their students, including those used in the classroom, those available outside the classroom, those for teachers to advance their professional knowledge and skill, and those that provide noninstructional assistance to students.

5 hour course; yields 0.5 CEUs

Designing Lessons, Units, and Learning Activities

Participants will examine how to create and differentiate learning activities that are tightly aligned to instructional outcomes and suitable to all students. They will also explore how to design lesson and unit structures that are clear, progress evenly, allow for different pathways according to diverse student needs, accommodate content that is connected to other disciplines, and allow for transfer of learning.

5 hour course; yields 0.5 CEUs

Prerequisite Modules

Student Behavior: Part I

This module examines the foundations for managing student behavior. Participants will explore how to uncover causes for behavioral issues, learn about their students, and set expectations for learning and behavior. Participants will also analyze how and when to create, enforce, and revise standards of conduct.

Module 1 of 3
7 hour course; yields 0.7 CEUs

Participants must take these modules in order as they are building blocks where each module relies on knowledge and application of the previous module.

Student Behavior: Part II

Participants will explore subtle and preventative behavior monitoring. This module covers the strategies and skills teachers and students need in order to monitor behavior, offer respectful corrections, utilize appropriate verbal and nonverbal responses, and acknowledge appropriate behavior.

Module 2 of 3
5 hour course; yields 0.5 CEUs

Participants must take these modules in order as they are building blocks where each module relies on knowledge and application of the previous module.

Student Behavior: Part III

This module explores methods for responding to student misbehavior, including intervention strategies, family involvement, use of external resources, respecting dignity, and preventative responses.

Module 3 of 3
5 hour course; yields 0.5 CEUs

Participants must take these modules in order as they are building blocks where each module relies on knowledge and application of the previous module.

Questions That Gather Information

This module explores how teachers can use questioning to advance student learning. Participants will discover how to ask insight, appraisal, summary, and evaluation questions that encourage students to analyze information. They will also analyze how to teach students how to ask (and identify) questions and reflect on peer comments to deepen student understanding.

Module 1 of 3
5 hour course; yields 0.5 CEUs

Participants must take these modules in order as they are building blocks where each module relies on knowledge and application of the previous module.

Questions That Work With Information

This module deepens participant knowledge of how to use questioning to advance student learning. Participants will discover how to ask insight, appraisal, summary, and evaluation questions that encourage students to analyze information. With this additional level of questioning, they will also analyze how to teach students how to ask (and identify) questions and reflect on peer comments to deepen their understanding.

Module 2 of 3
5 hour course; yields 0.5 CEUs

Participants must take these modules in order as they are building blocks where each module relies on knowledge and application of the previous module.

Questions That Facilitate Taking Action

This module increases participant knowledge of how teachers can use questioning to advance student learning. Participants will discover how to ask idea and prediction questions that encourage students to set up the actions that can be taken to apply or reinforce learning. With this advanced level of questioning, participants will also analyze how to teach students how to ask (and identify) questions and reflect on peer comments to deepen their understanding.

Module 3 of 3
5 hour course; yields 0.5 CEUs

Participants must take these modules in order as they are building blocks where each module relies on knowledge and application of the previous module.

Deepening Knowledge Modules

Creating a Caring Classroom Culture

This module emphasizes the foundation for creating a classroom of mutual respect, care, and trust. Participants will explore the qualities that characterize effective, caring teachers and identify the ways in which their beliefs and expectations about teaching and learning can inform and sustain their leadership abilities.

novice level
5 hour course; yields 0.5 CEUs


Teacher-to-Student Interactions

This module examines the teacher’s role of interacting with students in an environment of respect and rapport. Participants will explore when and how to use effective verbal and nonverbal skills and work with families to enhance their relationships with students.

intermediate level
5 hours course; yields 0.5 CEUs

Student-to-Student Interactions

Participants will explore the benefits of students genuinely caring for one another in a healthy school environment. Participants will discover how to teach respectful verbal and nonverbal behavior as well as team building strategies that support learning.

advanced level
5 hour course; yields 0.5 CEUs

Engaging Instructional Groups

In this module, participants will discover strategies for forming and adjusting engaging, productive instructional groups where students assume some responsibility for their group’s productivity. This module introduces grouping methods, how to assign roles and responsibilities, and creating expectations for group work.

novice level
5 hour course; yields 0.5 CEUs

Productive Student Grouping

This module focuses on student choice in grouping, student reflection, and further explores more complex grouping methods as well as teaching students how to work productively. Participants will explore how to develop groups that meet the intended learning of lessons.

intermediate level
5 hour course; yields 0.5 CEUs

Advanced Grouping Strategies

Participants will create several alternative resources for grouping students, with a focus on differentiation. This module explores advanced use of materials and resources that support outcomes and engage students in meaningful learning.

advanced level
5 hour course; yields 0.5 CEUs

Responsive Teaching: Basic

This module explores the essential foundation a teacher needs to accommodate student interests, explain outcomes, create activities, and design instruction to ensure engagement and success among all students in a flexible and responsive classroom. Participants will examine, implement, and reflect on the basics of lesson adjustment, teachable moments, and seek resources for students who need help.

novice level
15 hour course; yields 1.5 CEUs

Responsive Teaching: Intermediate

Participants will explore the teacher’s role in a classroom environment specifically designed to support self-directed student learning and teacher-student collaboration. This module examines the instructional flexibility teachers need to create a repertoire of alternate activities and strategies, and have the ability to rapidly implement them.

intermediate level
10 hour course; yields 1.0 CEUs

Responsive Teaching: Advanced

Participants will examine when to make major or minor adjustments to a lesson/unit, opportunities for teachable moments that build on student interests, and persistent approaches for students who need help. More responsibility is passed along to students who can offer feedback about what is and isn’t working. Participants will become advocates for students, educating families, and forming effective partnerships with students, teachers, and other stakeholders.

advanced level
10 hour course; yields 1.0 CEUs

Fundamentals of Assessment

This module examines the fundamentals of planning and designing both formative and summative assessments that are congruent with instructional outcomes. Participants will design new and improve existing assessments (aligned with outcomes and College and Career Readiness Standards) to use with their students.

novice level
10 hour course; yields 1.0 CEUs

Instruction in Assessment

Participants will gain extensive experience with monitoring and adjusting student learning, providing feedback to students, and facilitating student self-assessment and progress monitoring. This module also explores uses for authentic and performance assessment as well as increased uses of formative assessment (aligned with outcomes and College and Career Readiness Standards).

intermediate level
10 hour course; yields 1.0 CEUs

Advanced Assessment Strategies

Participants will explore strategies to diversify and provide choice among assessments (including group/team assessments) that are aligned with outcomes and College and Career Readiness Standards. This module also examines how to effectively share assignments, assessments, and rubrics with additional audiences (e.g., parents, school, community, blogs, and websites) in order to inform, improve, and acquire meaningful feedback from multiple perspectives about the entire assessment experience.

advanced level
10 hour course; yields 1.0 CEUs

Demonstrating Professionalism: Basic

Participants will be introduced to the benefits of a professional learning community and a culture of professional inquiry where they share strategies and develop relationships with colleagues. Participants will also explore the professional benefits of providing volunteer services to school and district projects, strategies and methods to stay informed about content and pedagogy, seeking out and welcoming feedback from colleagues, and creating a professional growth plan.

novice level
8 hour course; yields 0.8 CEUs

Demonstrating Professionalism: Intermediate

Participants will experience the benefits of a professional learning community and explore how they can promote a culture of professional inquiry. This module emphasizes the need for a developing professional to assume leadership role among faculty, participate in school and district projects, facilitate opportunities for professional development, observe and provide feedback to colleagues, and assist peers with their professional growth plans.

intermediate level
8 hour course; yields 0.8 CEUs


Demonstrating Professionalism: Advanced

Participants in the advanced module will explore their roles in supporting novice teachers, facilitating professional learning communities, taking the lead on school and district projects, facilitating a peer feedback program, and overseeing professional growth plans.

advanced level
8 hour course; yields 0.8 CEUs

* All of the above courses are aligned with the Danielson Framework.

Course Policies

Before starting a course, we strongly advise you review the course policies.

To view them, please visit the following link:


The price of a course is based on the number of course hours (i.e. 5 hours). Below you will find the price per course hour group:

        • 5 hours – $94.50
        • 7 hours – $126.00
        • 8 hours – $141.75
        • 10 hours – $173.25
        • 15 hours – $252.00

* Price includes CEU certificate fee.


Please complete the registration form at the following link:

The time between completing a registration form and actually being able to begin your course will vary between 1-6 days. We register participant’s for courses every Monday. So, for example, if you complete a registration form on a Tuesday, you will have to wait until the following Monday to start your course.

If has been more than seven days and you still haven’t received login details for your course, please contact our office at 662)915-7763.